To begin with I’d like to say that the mass media are the various toys which information is given to a large member of people. The press, radio, television and internet are the m. m that keep people informed on the topical issues of the day.
The m. m do much to excite an interest in every expect and play an important role in reflecting the life of society. The m. m drow the public attention to the most serious political, economic, social and ecological problems.
It’s obvious that people had began to read less newspapers, because of the growing popularity of TV. In just half a century, TV has covered the planet, becoming global power with a profound impact an everything from buying habbits and fashion stilies to politics and in a way that one other media can. It helps us to get useful information on international and home affairs. And of course it’s a minds of passive relaxation.
At the same time it’s still impossible to imagine our life without the press. It’s the mirror of current events. There is a great variety of newspapers and magazines in our country. They cater for all tastes and interests. The difference is in type of news and way they do it. The qualities give serious coverage of recent events and make comments on them in serious way. The principal qualities that come out daily are: Comsomolskaya Pravda, … Argumenti and facti is a weekly ediction. The popular papers or tabloids give information large in amount but poor in quality. They include news, reports in brief, interviews with celebrities, sensaitional stories and lots of advertise. Among them: speedinfo, Megapolis, Cosmopolitan, Liza and so on. There are also special magazines for sports fans, motorists, women and others. But most people read newspapers or magazines and watch TV programmes to their liking.
As for my family we have different tastes in reading. My father like reading «Driver», Mum enjoys » Gala Biography» .
As for me I read magazines for teenagers such as Oops or magazines about animals. But my favourite magazine is «Friend». It’s month publication. I don’t like to subscribe to it, I prefer to buy single issues. I often buy them in different shops.
And now I’d like to describe it. As it seems to me it is large. It consists of 70 pages, with lots of colourful and bright pictures and an interesting information. The cover is also colourful with some images and gives us some headlines about the main part of the magazine.
I think this magazine seems to be interesting not for everyone, but especially for people who have and love animals. As for me, I read this read it, because it gives very useful information about:
— New species of dogs
— The dogs which belongs to famous stars
— Some methods training dogs
— Time-table of dogs show
— Stories from life
In such magazines like this there are a lot of adverticement in it of some accesory for dogs, dog shows and offers of buying dogs.
«Friend» has a good reputation. I think that because in this magazine you`ll never find tough critisizm.
Nowadays, we cannot live without Mass Media. So every day we watch TV, listen to radio or use Internet and read newspapers.